
Service Excellence

Girl working on laptop

SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!!!!! Where do I start?

June 02, 20243 min read

After what seems like a life time of a steady pay check every 2 weeks (at least since I was 14 years of age and now I am ancient), not even thinking about whether or not there will be money to fill a carefully budgeted lifestyle, suddenly, I have to think about it. It is much like learning to walk again, starting over in establishing credibility and income as a solo operator without a Fortune 500 or Public Sector stamp hovering along side of your name.

So, where do you start when you begin the hunt for a new every other week pay check gig and the right thing doesn’t surface quickly? Do you compromise and take the first thing that comes along even though it really won’t pay the bills? Do you try to convince yourself that the right job is right around the corner so you just have to hang on? Do you listen to those who love you and don’t want to see you be sad, depressed or forlorn who say, ‘You just wait, it won’t be much longer.’ Or, do you come to the realization that no one else is going to do it for you and if the economy stays as it is today, and you sit on your laurels too long, are you going to have to sell all of your possessions, have weekly car wash/bake sales just to make enough to buy feed for the chickens?

With all of that in mind, this is what I have had to do so far when beginning the process of starting my own business. Beware; this is from my perspective, not a text book, nor a well studied and orchestrated strategic business plan. I have been fortunate to have perfect strangers reach out to me and share the bumps they had in the road with hopes to keep me from experiencing the same:

1) Decide on a business type, name, target audience and geography based on your strong suits

2) Create a logo, vision, mission statement and list of services

3) Purchase your e-domain names (check out Go-Daddy as one option, relatively user friendly and you can talk to a real person if you need to)

4) Invest in a good web designer if you are not savvy with web design and maneuvering the back end of these types of systems (will require some level of investment, mine was around $1000 with the bits and pieces here and there, hosting for a year…)

5) Update your LinkedIn profile so that all of those you have networked with or have potential to become connected to can see the direction you are headed. ***This is key; you will be pleasantly surprised by those wonderful souls that reach out to you to share their learning’s, offer strategic alliances, fabulous support and direction.

6) Determine what kind of marketing approach you will take; good ole’ fashioned post office mailings, Google Adds (just starting to understand that potential goldmine, more to come), LinkedIn blitzes, magazine adds….As I learn more about what demonstrates a true return on investment, I will share.

7) Wish on lots-and-lots-and-lots of stars in the heavens for strong, streaming, relevant business to begin coming your way.

Oh, and one more thing; consider not putting all of your eggs in one basket. Don’t stop your search for that steady, every two week potential pay check, consider multiple business ventures at the same time with fingers and toes crossed that multiple revenue streams will ebb and flow yet settle into the same pool keeping you afloat.

KO Security Triage has just begun and has lots of strong experience and expertise in both the public and private sectors to share with you and your business. Please do not hesitate to contact us if we can be of assistance to you!

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Girl working on laptop

SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!!!!! Where do I start?

June 02, 20243 min read

After what seems like a life time of a steady pay check every 2 weeks (at least since I was 14 years of age and now I am ancient), not even thinking about whether or not there will be money to fill a carefully budgeted lifestyle, suddenly, I have to think about it. It is much like learning to walk again, starting over in establishing credibility and income as a solo operator without a Fortune 500 or Public Sector stamp hovering along side of your name.

So, where do you start when you begin the hunt for a new every other week pay check gig and the right thing doesn’t surface quickly? Do you compromise and take the first thing that comes along even though it really won’t pay the bills? Do you try to convince yourself that the right job is right around the corner so you just have to hang on? Do you listen to those who love you and don’t want to see you be sad, depressed or forlorn who say, ‘You just wait, it won’t be much longer.’ Or, do you come to the realization that no one else is going to do it for you and if the economy stays as it is today, and you sit on your laurels too long, are you going to have to sell all of your possessions, have weekly car wash/bake sales just to make enough to buy feed for the chickens?

With all of that in mind, this is what I have had to do so far when beginning the process of starting my own business. Beware; this is from my perspective, not a text book, nor a well studied and orchestrated strategic business plan. I have been fortunate to have perfect strangers reach out to me and share the bumps they had in the road with hopes to keep me from experiencing the same:

1) Decide on a business type, name, target audience and geography based on your strong suits

2) Create a logo, vision, mission statement and list of services

3) Purchase your e-domain names (check out Go-Daddy as one option, relatively user friendly and you can talk to a real person if you need to)

4) Invest in a good web designer if you are not savvy with web design and maneuvering the back end of these types of systems (will require some level of investment, mine was around $1000 with the bits and pieces here and there, hosting for a year…)

5) Update your LinkedIn profile so that all of those you have networked with or have potential to become connected to can see the direction you are headed. ***This is key; you will be pleasantly surprised by those wonderful souls that reach out to you to share their learning’s, offer strategic alliances, fabulous support and direction.

6) Determine what kind of marketing approach you will take; good ole’ fashioned post office mailings, Google Adds (just starting to understand that potential goldmine, more to come), LinkedIn blitzes, magazine adds….As I learn more about what demonstrates a true return on investment, I will share.

7) Wish on lots-and-lots-and-lots of stars in the heavens for strong, streaming, relevant business to begin coming your way.

Oh, and one more thing; consider not putting all of your eggs in one basket. Don’t stop your search for that steady, every two week potential pay check, consider multiple business ventures at the same time with fingers and toes crossed that multiple revenue streams will ebb and flow yet settle into the same pool keeping you afloat.

KO Security Triage has just begun and has lots of strong experience and expertise in both the public and private sectors to share with you and your business. Please do not hesitate to contact us if we can be of assistance to you!

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KO Security Triage





Service Excellence



Contact Info

8315 24th St W,

University Place, WA 98466


Copyright © 2024 | KO Security Triage, LLC

KO Security Triage





Service Excellence



Contact Info

8315 24th St W,

University Place, WA 98466


Copyright © 2024 | KO Security Triage, LLC